Aaron Rodgers from the Trails and Open Space Coalition (TOSC) visited with your Board of Directors recently and offered a multitude of services to our Friends’ group, to include help with social media, promoting events in the park and other assistance we might require. We discussed bilateral communication as an important aspect of our relationship with TOSC. Thanks to Aaron and TOSC for their support.
Britt Haley, City of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Parks Development Manager and TOPS Program Manager also visited with your Board and provided some interesting updates for us.
- The City made its final payment for Red Rock Canyon Open Space in 2018. It’s ours!
- The City will conduct a “Bio Blitz” during May-June time frame this summer. This will involve about 18 scientists and numerous volunteers to conduct an inventory of wildlife over a twenty-four hour period
- The Parks Department has acquired funding for six new park rangers which will greatly improve our services
- A Trail Development Specialist is a new position the City is seeking to fill to improve our trail systems
- 17,000 cubic yards of fill from Camp Creek will be used to fill the old dam that collapsed
- Land fill repairs are being scheduled to repair fissures
Stay tuned for more updates as they occur!