January Update

Volunteer hours for 2019:

140  hr    =   11 board meetings

208 hr    =    public communication, bookkeeping, tax forms etc

30   hr    =    web support

36   hr    =   Supporting city and RMFI events (info tables and planning)

36   hr   =    Trail work and repair of flier holder box

48   hr    =   FoRRC planning and representation at City and regional forums

51   hr   =    Two newsletters

40   hr    =    monitoring planned and social trails plus legal work on FoRRC MOU and Master Plan

130  hr    =    Planning and executing public volunteer workdays  (over 25 volunteers)

719  Total Volunteer Hours given by FoRRC to Red Rock Canyon Open Space

Meadows trail is now open in the southeast part of the park. The City did a good job on this trail through its contractor.  More trails and trail refinements are in the works.  Stay tuned!