Friends of Red Rock Canyon – Colorado Springs
Welcome to the Friends of Red Rock Canyon mobile site. Here you can find basic information about the open space as well as directions and trail information. Click the menu icon above for options. Much more information can be found by switching your device to the main page of FORRC or visiting our site with a non-mobile device.
What’s new at Red Rock Canyon Open Space
Looking for a map of Red Rock Canyon?
Click HERE for Colorado Trails Explorer app. This is the official, most up to date map of Red Rock Canyon trails and all other trails in Colorado.
Here is the newest edition of Friends of Red Rock Canon Open Space newsletter, called our “Red Rock Rag.” Click the link below to read the latest.
How to Report Homeless Camps
Unfortunately we have found several new homeless camps along Hwy 24 and just West of the 31st St lot. We encourage anyone from the public to report these issues to the Parks dept, or to submit a request through the GoCOS! App or at
Trail Etiquette Tip of the Month
Here is a link to an article on trail etiquette from REI: Trail Etiquette: Who has the right-of-way?
About Red Rock Canyon
Red Rock Canyon is characterized by a series of canyons and ridges sculpted by erosion of the area’s uplifted rock strata. The ridges and canyons offer beautiful views and sheltered enclaves for inspiration, varied terrain for recreation, and a 240 million year slice of sedimentary geology for education. The varied terrain and geology support a wide variety of plant and animal communities. Human use of the area has left a heritage of varied and colorful history including Ute defensive positions, stone quarries, and gold mills.